Sorting Out Unusable Items When Packing

Posted on 06/02/2024

Packing up a home for a move can feel like an overwhelming task. With so much to consider, sifting through belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw away is often the most time-consuming part of the process. To streamline the packing process while avoiding wasting time and effort on items that can't be used or moved, it's important to sort out unusable items before the move even begins.


The first step when organizing possessions for a move is to declutter. Start by going through closets, drawers, and shelves to rid yourself of unnecessary junk. Clothing, books, and kitchen items should be sorted into two piles: "keep" and "get rid of". If you haven't worn or used something in over a year, chances are you won't need it in your new home. Donate usable clothing and household items to charity and carefully go through stacks of papers and documents. If possible, shred any sensitive material before tossing it out or recycling it.

When cleaning out large appliances like refrigerators and washing machines, it's important to check with your moving company first in order to find out if they will handle these items for you. Many movers will not transport large appliances due to safety hazards during transportation, so it's best to check ahead of time if you plan on taking them with you. If you cannot move them on your own, consider donating them to people who can use them or holding a garage sale so someone else can benefit from your gently used goods instead of throwing them away.

home house

home house


Another type of item affected by a move is furniture; depending upon the size and weight of the pieces, getting them down from upstairs or around tight corners may be impossible without professional help. Call local thrift stores or charity organizations that accept donated furniture in order to make sure they are willing to pick up these kinds of items before arranging a removal service of your own.

Consider perishable or hazardous materials

It's also essential when packing up your house to consider perishable or hazardous materials that may not be allowed across state lines or at all. This includes anything flammable (such as paint), aerosol cans (like hairspray), cleaning solutions (like bleach), food products (even canned goods), plant pots, fire extinguishers, pesticides, fuel tanks etc... Double-check with local moving companies before attempting to transport any of these items in order to make sure they meet regulations for shipping across state lines safely.

As you go through each room in your home sorting out unusable items for a move, remember that there will always be some things that simply cannot come along with you - no matter how much you want them too! If this happens take comfort in knowing that many charitable organizations accept donations and someone else out there will surely benefit from your generosity!

Rob Ryan
Rob Ryan

From small apartments to large offices, Rob tackles each rubbish removal job with equal enthusiasm and dedication. His attention to detail ensures that no mess is left behind, leaving clients with clean and clutter-free spaces they can truly enjoy.

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